Caller Ring Back Tone (CRBT) is an innovate service which gives the subscribers the flexibility to greet callers with their favorite tune, sound, or phrase instead of the usual ringing tone. They can decide what a caller will hear during interconnection of the call and the subscribers have an instant way in expressing their own individuality. The Ring Back Tone solution adds a tune that the subscriber chooses using a simple, multi-criteria customization process. For operators, this innovative new service offers solid revenue-enhancing opportunities in both the consumer and corporate market segments.


Features & Functionalities of our Product

The general principle of the CRBT service is as follows:

  • The GSM subscriber who is already a personalized service subscriber can choose the Ring Back Tone to be played to other subscribers who is trying to reach him through a vocal or Web parameter interface
  • The caller dials the subscribers’ number
  • The network transfers the call control to the service in charge
  • The system establishes a communication with the requested subscriber and gives the correspondent’s status
  • If the correspondent is on the ring stage, the service selects the sound/message to play to the caller, based on the options defined by the subscriber
  • When the call is on hook, done by the subscriber, by voice mail or by another correspondent in case of a call transfer, the service puts into relation the caller and the correspondent as in a classic communication
  • If there is no ring stage or no sound message to be played then the service puts the caller and the correspondent into a classic communication
  • In order to offer a better service level for personalized ring back tones, there are some user and system functionalities



Various criteria can be selected by the end user to define the strategy of tone selection such as Date, Caller ID, White List, Black List, Time of incoming call, Default Tone etc.

Customer Provisioned Interface

Multiple interfaces are available for the users to access and provision the content. The user interfaces include IVR, Web, USSD and SMS. Users can access all the features of Ring Back Tone by using any of these interfaces.

Customer Provisioned Deactivation

Subscribers can choose to deactivate their service through the various available interfaces i.e Web, IVR, USSD or SMS. Thus, delivering control into the hands of the subscriber.

Corporate Module

Our Ring Back Tone service can be used as a marketing tool by corporate customers to promote their brand. All mobile connections of the Corporate can be customized to play the corporate jingle. This Feature also provides the ability to define the only user in a group, who will be able to modify the user profiles of the whole group.


Our Ring Back Tone solution does Billing ticket generation for calls and events thus enabling statistics generation. This allows complete operational management for the service provider.

A subscriber can decide to listen to the B subscriber's Caller tune

When A subscriber calls B subscriber who has the Caller tune facility, A subscriber hears an IVR message to take the confirmation from A subscriber whether he/she wants to listen to the caller tune of the B subscriber or not. If A subscribers confirms yes, then the caller tune is played else normal ring back tone will be played. A few other features are Copy the Caller tune, Set the Caller Tune to specific numbers, Time Based caller tunes, Record their own voice for using caller tunes.